Buat seseOraNg.....

semudah itukah bagimu menilai seseorang?
semudah itukah untuk mengambil kesimpulan?
Semudah itukah bagimu untuk mengatakan "ini akhir" dari semuanya?
dan Semudah itukah bagimu untu kemudian pergi dari semuanya?

Sorry if i bother u by writing diz kinda joke...
sorry if i made u a bit tempered
noisy and sassy...

-=made a *gulp* for a sec=-

this? whom? how? and where?
could u get all ur -proudy- baggy things get scared of?
is that mean, u already givin up?
man u know it such a S*#T

u wud never gotta breakin' down with diz
u wud never put ur hat above ur ankle rite?
u wud never put urself in a shame of ur -kuchiyose no jutsu-

cmon, straighten ups...!!!

diz gotta be over, n u'll be the one...
who's got a brain over his -scared-

P.S. : Keep Talking to urself that u'll gonna take it over

With Love,

still Same thingy lil but moody boy, a boy who tries to find a soul inside.....
found nothing though~~~